On Monday we went out to Godavari where I lived as a volunteer. We arrived at the end of the day during a football tournament semifinal. The school is much bigger now with almost 900 students. Only a handful of teachers are still there from when I was teaching, but they all remembered me and were happy to meet Omar. Two of my former students are 'volunteers' back at the school and it was fun to chat with them. Here are a few pics, we will definately spend some time there when we return from trekking. We head out tomorrow for Besisahar and the start of the Annapurna trek.
Lunes fuimos a Godavari donde Amy vivo como voluntaria. Aqui estan algunas fotos de la escuela donde Amy ensenio.
Listos para salir maniana para escalar la montania llamada Annapurna circuit. Probablamente no vamos a tener acceso a internet en viente dias.

Amy and Omar at St. Xavier's Godavari.
Amy y Omar en St. Xavier's Godavari.

Amy and Laxman dai, a teacher at the school and good friend in front of the Jesuit Residence in the school compound.
Amy y Laxman dai, un maestro del la escuela y buen amigo en frente de la residencia Jesuita dentro de escuela.

More school buildings.
Mas edificios de la escuela.

Omar outside Amy's old house.
Omar afuera de la antigua casa de Amy.

A new school building (school hall with classrooms underneath).
Un nuevo edificio para salones de clases.