De Pokhara fuimos a Chitwan para nuestro safari en un area protejida por el gobierno. Estuvo muy divertido, fuimos en canoa por el rio, montamos elefantes y nos interamos en la selva y vimos varios animales.
From Pokhara we went to Chitwan National Park. We went on a canoe ride, a jungle walk and an elephant back safari. We spent some fun time with elephants, saw rhinos, deer, lots of birds and a few leeches-- no bites though....

Returning from the elephant safari, riding through town and back to our hotel on an elephant.
Regresando de nuestro safari hacia nuestro hotel.

Amy and Omar riding an elephant. The elephant "driver" is standing on the elephant's head to get this picture!
Amy y Omar arriba de elefante.

Rhinos! Rinocerontes!

Rhinos with an elephant -- we were riding on top of one just like that.

Deer. Venados. We also saw wild boar, peacocks and monkeys.

Omar went swimming with the elephants! Omar nadando con los elefantes!
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