Friday, October 16, 2009


Bhaktapur is the third (after Kathmandu and Patan) major town of the Kathmandu Valley (it once was it's own kingdom). The town is very well restored/preserved and traffic free! Except for motorbikes.... It's really nice to walk around, narrow brick streets full of shrines, beautiful old homes with ornate wooden windows and balconies, courtyards, communal taps and several squares with huge Hindu temples. The town is also known for it's clay potters and woodcarvers.

Bhaktapur es la ciudad mas grande del valle de Kathmandu. Esta ciudad esta muy bien conservada. Se dedica al trabajo de madera y barro. Las calles estan libres de traffico, una de las favoritas de Omar.

Esta escultura (Hindu dios Durga) fue hecha 1701, y rey corto los brazos del escultor para que nunca se hiciera una replica.

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